
Recipes from the Strong Mommas Retreat 2018!

Megan Dahlman
April 26, 2018

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The very first Strong Mommas retreat is now in the books, and it was everything I dreamed it would be and more. We had twenty women (all Strong Mommas Members), make their way to Newberg, Oregon...smack dab in the middle of the famously beautiful wine country. ​

The Strong Mommas

Look at all these beautiful strong women!

​We had spectacular views from the house, which was a spectacle in itself (two master suites!). We got to know each other, chatted late into the nights, did group workouts together, went wine tasting, laughed, cried, bonded, and most importantly... we ate together. 

And let me just say that we ate like queens last weekend. 

Have you ever been to a women's retreat and felt like you had to "develop a game plan" for how to navigate the food situation? "What if it's pasta all weekend, or there's candy everywhere? What if the only available salad is iceberg lettuce and ranch?" 

Nope, not at a Strong Mommas retreat! The girls enjoyed amazing proteins, a huge variety of produce (gotta eat our PRO's, remember?), lots of healthy fats, and even some fun splurges that never felt like overindulgence. 

So, I've spent the past couple days compiling the recipes from last weekend. You might find me recreating these meals for the next few weeks!

Friday Night Dinner: Michelle's Famous Beef Chili 

The girls were introduced to Michelle's famous cooking over the weekend. She's been a longtime Strong Mommas Member, and has been making us drool for many months in the online coaching group with her incredible cooking creations. We finally got to experience it person! And this chili did not disappoint! 

>>Click here for the chili recipe. 

(I wish I snagged a good picture of this one, but I was too distracted by the chili!)

Saturday and Sunday Morning Breakfast: Yogurt or Cottage Cheese Berry Bowls

We wanted something that didn't require time-intensive cooking and clean-up. These were perfect! We had a beautiful spread with many options to choose from: cottage cheese, greek yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mixed nuts, seeds, honey, and almond butter. With some hard boiled eggs on the side, these easily fueled us up through our workout and on to lunchtime. 

>>Click here for a recipe. ​

Healthy Yogurt Bowls

Yogurt Berry Bowls for Breakfast!

​Saturday Lunch: Nourish Bowls with Bacon Dressing. 

Um, wow. Another one of Michelle's famous creations. Who knew that throwing a bunch of random ingredients into a bowl would turn out so amazing?? Maybe I'm late to this party, but the combination of these ingredients was a welcome deviation from a salad. This is definitely going in my regular rotation for lunches!

And the bacon dressing....alright, enough, I'm drooling again!

>>Click here for the Nourish Bowl recipe. 

Healthy Nourish Bowls

Nourish Bowls for lunch!

​Saturday Night Dinner: Mexican Fiesta!

Everybody loves a Mexican themed meal, and we certainly went all out with this one. Steak and chicken fajitas with homemade guacamole, roasted Mexican zucchini, and a Mexican kale salad. Top it all off with spicy margaritas (regular or virgin), and you've got quite a spread!

>>Click here for the Strong Mommas Fajitas recipe.
>>Click here for the Roasted Mexican Zucchini recipe.
>>Click here for the Mexican Kale Salad recipe. ​

Healthy Mexican Feast

A Healthy Mexican Feast!

​Saturday Night Dessert: Fancy Dessert Platter

Yes, as Strong Mommas we prioritize healthy, fresh foods. But it's also important to learn good balance and moderation when it comes to splurging. (Read about my attitude towards splurging here.) I wanted the girls to know how to put together an impressive dessert for company that didn't consist of cake, pie or brownies. 

This platter has three types of cheeses: brie with a raspberry chia jam, roquefort, and a sharp white cheddar. Surrounding the cheese, we placed dried apricots, high quality dark chocolate, yogurt covered pretzels, roasted mixed nuts, pears, oranges, and strawberries. Pair with a nice glass of wine (if desired), and you'll feel really fancy without overindulging. ​

Healthy Dessert Platter

A healthy dessert platter!

​As you can see, the food for the first Strong Mommas Retreat turned out absolutely delicious and healthy. I'm not quite sure how we'll be able to top this one! 

But even more than the food, the Strong Mommas that came this past weekend are some of the most amazing women you'll ever meet. Every single one displayed grace, passion, perseverance, depth, vulnerability and love. We all agreed that there's something special happening here at Strong Mommas...

One of the ladies shared this afterward: 

"Megan, you have built something amazing. I was asked over the weekend how I found Strong Mommas, and I couldn’t really remember. I think Strong Mommas found me. 'I was led to it' might be a better way of saying it.

​I’m pretty sure the Spirit knew I needed this; a community that embodies all the beautiful things I saw in all the SMs this weekend. Strength. Perseverance. Grace. Service. Empathy. Commitment. Embrace. Fun and laughter. Appreciation for nature, beauty, the frailty of life, hard work, balance, and all His abundant blessings. Before this weekend SM was a tool for me to help manage my health. Now, SM feels like my people."


Praying before our fancy feast!


Group workout with lots of great demos!


Gorgeous group hike!


Plenty of hangout/chatting time. Just what we needed.

​Friend, I hope you enjoy these recipes, but even more than that, I hope you start to find something unique and special like this for your own fitness and nutrition journey. I hope you get to experience what this kind of freedom feels like...freedom from dieting, body image pressures, food fears, wimpy bodies, and physical fear. This is what God intended for you.

These Strong Mommas are living it, and it's fabulous! 

Do you want to be a part of this, too? Click here to learn more about it and to join for just $1. There's no catch. 


come join us!

With the membership, you'll have access to monthly workouts designed just for moms, nutrition coaching, and this strong community of women. ​
It's the best decision for your body and soul that you could make.

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Trainer, nutrition coach, and Christian mom — in a culture that’s obsessed with “gym-selfies” and a number on the scale, I’m passionate about helping moms discover what it feels like to actually love their bodies and thrive in them.
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