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If you don’t already know her, it’s about time you do.
On Instagram, she’s veggies and virtue, but in real life she’s Ashley Merrill Smith - a pediatric dietitian and mom of three that has the natural gift of sweeping into frustrated families and helping smooth out the entire mealtime process. If you know me at all by now, you know that when it comes to our eating habits as moms, I believe that our attitude and mindset around food and meals is far more important in the long run than the specific ingredients that we eat. We will ALWAYS be a better, healthier eater if we start there.
And Ashley is preaching the exact same message when it comes to feeding our kids. I grill her on how to deal with extremely picky eaters, kids that refuse to eat, and all those moments when we feel like we’re failing our children as we give them one more chicken nugget.
If you’re looking for someone that’s going to tell you how to be a perfect mom and feed your kids perfect meals… you can go look elsewhere.
In this conversation, Ashley is going to shower you with grace and the permission to just do your best, and exactly what that looks like. You’re going to love this.
Here are some of the questions I'm asking Ashley in this episode:
>Trying to feed our kids healthy foods can be so stressful and frustrating for moms. What are some things that we can do as moms to make meals and the entire mealtime process less stressful and frustrating?
>I think it’s so common to feel like we’re failing our kids when we’re not feeding them perfectly. What would you suggest is a better set of expectations for feeding our kids so that we don’t feel like failures?
>Is there any food item or specific nutrient that our kids absolutely need every single day?
>Can you explain your “love it” and “learning it” approach to feeding kids?
>Let’s discuss a couple real-life mealtime scenarios and some possible solutions for each:
Discover your unique metabolic body type, and learn exactly how to train and eat to maximize your natural strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Take the FREE QuizDiscover how thousands of everyday moms are quitting the trendy diets and detoxes and finally changing their eating habits for life.
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