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"Decluttering gives you a way to practice the skill of self-advocacy."
How on earth does decluttering relate to your fitness, your nutrition, your self care in general? Honestly, it impacts everything.
If you’re constantly struggling to get motivated, to cook healthy foods, and to prioritize your workouts, it could be because your space is a mess and you just feel overwhelmed. Today, I have Krista Lockwood with me, and she helps moms declutter without becoming a full blown minimalist! She’s the host of the Motherhood Simplified podcast and she’s going to teach us all about how decluttering will create space for you to be able to focus on your fitness and nutrition like you want, and how to get started with something really easy TODAY.
I’m excited about this conversation because there are countless moms out there that feel overwhelmed because they live in a cluttered, messy space. And because of that, it’s preventing them from taking time for their bodies. And I know that the goal of this conversation today is to help moms declutter their spaces in easy and simple ways to free them up to take care of their bodies better.
We’re going to get to nitty gritty of decluttering in just a minute...
But, what was the biggest change you experienced after decluttering?
Can you share the differences in how you were able to care for yourself post decluttering? What did your self care look like before and then after?
What is the best place for a mom to start decluttering?
Could you share two simple spaces any mom can start with and that will have an immediate impact?
Break down that decluttering process for us for those two spaces.
How can we get resistant family members on board?
Talk to us about leading by example and getting your family to come from a place of curioisty
Alright, let’s break this down and make this decluttering really, really simple:
What is ONE SIMPLE THING that the mom that’s listening right now can do to feel less cluttered today?
"I tend to be explosively messy, and I used to think this is just what motherhood was supposed to look like."
"I went from being overwhelmed and always feeling behind, to calm and in control."
"Decluttering completely changed the way I took care of my body. I finally had the space and mental energy to show up for myself like I always wanted."
"Decluttering gives you a way to practice the skill of self-advocacy."
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