Stop wasting time on crash diets and get these easy hacks to reset your eating habits for life!
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"Just getting started is so overwhelming!"...
"I know I really should get my act together."...
"Every time I start something I end up giving up soon after!"
If you've ever said any of these things, this episode is for you! I have spent years helping my clients get the ball rolling with a fitness and nutrition routine, so I know what works and what doesn't work when you're just beginning.
You'll dive into these inspiring Bible verses with me that will give you strength and courage as you begin:
Also, learn the different stages of change that we go through as we create a new habit, and why so many of us get stuck thinking about it for too long. Megan and her co-host Scott will also chat about the idea of "change ONE thing" vs. "change all the things" and why that's so important for habit longevity and preventing overwhelm.
At the end of the episode I'm answering YOUR questions!
Discover your unique metabolic body type, and learn exactly how to train and eat to maximize your natural strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Take the FREE QuizDiscover how thousands of everyday moms are quitting the trendy diets and detoxes and finally changing their eating habits for life.
Download for FREE NowThis brand-new guide reveals the safest way for you to strengthen and flatten your postpartum abs so you can feel confident in your core again.
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