Stop wasting time on crash diets and get these easy hacks to reset your eating habits for life!
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I recorded this interview with Deanna Mason, rest consultant and the creator of Refreshed Moms, in the middle of the most chaotic months of my life. Everything in me craved a full, deep Sabbath rest. But in my situation, that seemed impossible. What I learned from Deanna in this conversation is that I needed to reframe what I thought Sabbath and true rest was supposed to look like.
This episode may not be for everyone, and that’s ok.
But if you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, and craving some semblance of REST, this will be balm to your soul. You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of what Sabbath actually means (going back to the Biblical roots), and how to catch meaningful moments of it in your life, not matter what season you’re in.
Here are a few of the questions I ask Deanna:
Deanna’s podcast The Refreshed Moms
Deanna’s Make a Rest Plan free mini-course
FB Group Spiritual Rest with Refreshed Moms
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