Stop wasting time on crash diets and get these easy hacks to reset your eating habits for life!
Download this guide to learn the 3 secrets to safely flatten your mommy tummy.
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She lived in fear for years. Her chronic pain and ongoing health issues dictated what each day looked like, but just like so many of us, she still allowed her self worth to be tied to how much she was able to accomplish in a day. But her big breakthrough didn’t happen until she realized that she didn’t fit into a standard formula for health and fitness, and her journey from one week to the next was going to look a lot different than everyone else around her.
I’m excited to introduce you to Heather Thomas, a mom that I’ve had the opportunity to coach for the past two years. Today, we’re chatting about her cardio days and fear of strength training, the comparison game, and how she had to work hard to get her highs and lows to level off so she didn't feel like she was on a roller coaster. The coolest thing is toward the end we talk about what she can actually accomplish today...which is so awesome.
You’re going to love this! Let’s dive in.
Here are a handful of questions that I had the opportunity of asking Heather in this interview:
Hey, Heather, welcome to the podcast! One of my greatest joys as your coach, is to watch you FIGHT to prioritize your health, when all the odds have been stacked against you, literally.
You’re a very busy, homeschooling mom of two kids and live in a pretty extreme climate. Those things alone would be enough to deter anyone from making their health a priority on a regular basis. But that’s not all - you’ve also had to endure a lot of unique personal health challenges as well.
I’d love to know more of your story and background. Two years ago, you began coaching with me, but before then.
Since joining the program and looking back over the past two years:
If you could write something on a billboard for her to drive past everyday and read, what would it be?
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FREE! - Download my free report on the Three Eating Dangers to Avoid to Reset Your Eating Habits
Discover your unique metabolic body type, and learn exactly how to train and eat to maximize your natural strengths and improve your weaknesses.
Take the FREE QuizDiscover how thousands of everyday moms are quitting the trendy diets and detoxes and finally changing their eating habits for life.
Download for FREE NowThis brand-new guide reveals the safest way for you to strengthen and flatten your postpartum abs so you can feel confident in your core again.
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