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“Self-sabotage” is a common phrase that we throw around a lot, especially when we know that we’re struggling to make forward progress toward our goals. I can’t tell you how many moms I coach that tell me, “I know exactly what I should be doing, I just can’t seem to make it happen every day.” And usually the reason for this is that they’re sabotaging themselves...they’re hindering their own efforts and preventing their own success.
In fact, I have a friend that really struggles to make healthy choices. She has battled her weight for years, but not only that, she just can’t get into a rhythm of regular exercise and consistently healthy food choices. And almost every week, I see her doing something that’s deliberately sabotaging her own mission. And because of that, she is constantly frustrated. She bounces from one diet to the workout program to the next...never settling on anything, and ultimately feeling like a failure.
Now, there are MANY reasons why you might struggle with motivation and consistency with your fitness and nutrition routine, but self-sabotage is a BIG one. So, today I’m going to highlight some of the ways that we commonly sabotage our own efforts and stand in the way of our success. And then I want to go through 4 Ways that you can begin to stop this cycle of self-sabotaging behavior, starting today.
This is so important for you for two reasons:
This conversation is going to bring these behaviors to the surface and help you overcome them, SO THAT you can finally have the breakthrough that you want with your body. Because think of this for a moment: What’s your mission? Just like that soldier who had a mission, you’re most likely on a mission right now. Whether that’s to simply maintain your current level of health and fitness and strength, or something bigger. Maybe you’re staring at a mountain that needs to be moved - your mission feels huge. You have 50 pounds or more that you want to lose, or your body is constantly in pain, or your habits always feel out of control and the idea of gaining some sense self-control feels impossible.
Whatever your mission is RIGHT NOW with your body, you’ll never achieve it if you’re self-sabotaging, if you’re standing in your own way.
Sabotage = deliberately destroying, damaging, or obstruct and blocking something from happening
Self-sabotage = when this destructive behavior is directed at yourself, and you’re deliberately preventing yourself from accomplishing what you desire
There are 4 main ways that we might be self-sabotaging:
Procrastination and putting tasks off - You might dream of doing something great, something significant, but you keep putting it off and never get around to doing anything about it.
Grinding to a halt - After you get the ball rolling and things are going pretty well, the brakes slam on all of a sudden for no apparent reason - you completely grind to a halt or give up all together
You deliberately put yourself in harm’s way - this is like throwing those landmines right in your path. Instead of taking the clear, simple, doable route, you deliberately make it extremely hard on yourself and almost impossible to succeed
At the first sign of difficulty or feelings of imperfection, you run in the complete opposite direction, making illogical choices for no real reason
Those are the big ways that I see women self-sabotaging. But I think it’s so helpful to understand that Self-sabotage is almost always driven by negative self talk, where you tell yourself that you're inadequate, or unworthy of success. And in the back of your mind, you might be thinking things like, "You can't do this!" "You don't deserve don’t deserve to love your body and feel good.” or "If you try, you'll probably just fail anyway."
So, the big question now is how do stop this? How can you stop this cycle so you can actually accomplish what you set out to do?
Be aware and recognize when you’re doing it. Knowing the main ways that you hinder your own progress is huge. You have to see when you’re doing it, and catch yourself. If you’re procrastinating again, or grinding to a halt for no real reason, or making it way harder on yourself than necessary or, scribbling all over your imperfect efforts again... wake up and see what it that you’re doing.
Make sure that your expectations are clear and that you have a doable plan that’s not too difficult to follow. The harder the routine, the more likely you’ll be to self sabotage.
Have accountability - someone to show up and make sure you’re still moving forward, regardless of the mental obstacles you’re throwing in your own way.
Finally, be sure to turn around every so often and recognize when you overcame a self-sabotaging moment - celebrate that victory! And let it continue to propel you forward, proof that you are able to do hard things!
I used to self-sabotage. I didn’t realize I was doing it, but looking back I can see it now.
My preferred tactic was deliberately putting myself in harm’s way. I would try to eat barely anything during the day...really small meals to try and lean up... and I would do a pretty good job in the morning and through lunch. But then every single day, I’d lose it around 5:00. I’d be so ravenously hungry that I would eat a massive snack, a big unhealthy dinner, and then have dessert later on.
I made it so incredibly difficult on myself and impossible to succeed.
But once I recognized that’s what I was doing, I loosened up...I let go a little. I made a better effort to eat more during the front half of the day and lower my perfect expectations. And I was able to change the conversation in my head - when I felt myself trying to restrict in the morning, I could remind myself, “Nope, don’t do it. You’re just sabotaging yourself.”
That really, really helped.
The big idea here is that whatever your mission is RIGHT NOW with your body, you’ll never achieve it if you’re self-sabotaging, if you’re standing in your own way.
Your action steps now are to get out of your own way and stop hindering yourself from making forward progress. Start to recognize what you’re doing and when you do it...right it down. And then change your expectations, get the accountability you need, and be sure to celebrate every little step forward.
Now, I actually want to hear from you.
What is one way that you’ve been self-sabotaging recently? I’d love to know what it is, and also, how you’re going to stop doing this. So go ahead and reach out to me on Instagram @megandahlman , or you can hit reply to any email I send you and your message will go straight to my inbox. I’d love to hear from you, I really would.
FREE! - Download my free report on the Three Eating Dangers to Avoid to Reset Your Eating Habits
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